NO.282 日本で発展した螺鈿(らでん)と蒔絵の融合。細工に注目!
Text=Brand Jewelry
English follows Japanese
The Chuson-ji Konjikido, a special exhibition at the Tokyo National Museum on the 900th anniversary of the temple’s construction, is currently the talk of the town. Eleven Buddhist statues; national treasures, are lined up in a row, and the golden Konjikido and its interior are reproduced using computer graphics.
Although the Buddhist statues are in glass cases, the CG immersive exhibition allows visitors to experience the inside of the hall and c see the mother-of-pearl inlay, jewels, and ivory decorating the inner sanctuary of the Konjikido. The mother-of-pearl inlay on the four pillars called maki-bashira is particularly impressive.
Some people may not be familiar with raden. Raden is a technique in which the mother-of-pearl layer inside the shells of reel shells, such as abalone, luminous shells, and butterfly shells, is inlaid or pasted onto the surface of carved lacquer or wood. It is characterized by its mysterious opal-like iridescent shine and beautiful, finely cut patterns.
Raden is also applied to lacquer accessory cases, letter boxes, and tea ceremony jujube (jujube-shaped tea caddies) to create a world of elegance. Raden also plays a leading role in jewellery items such as necklaces, rings, and earrings.
Raden has a long history, dating back to Egypt in 3000 BC. Many fine raden decorations have been found in ruins from that time.
Raden was introduced to Japan from mainland China some 1,300 years ago. Raden inlay can be found among the treasures of the Shosoin. In the Heian period (794-1185), it was employed in the interiors of temples, for example in the ceiling of the Phoenix Hall of Uji Byōdōin Temple and the Konjikidō as mentioned earlier Hall of Chūson-ji Temple. The gorgeous temples with mother-of-pearl inlay give a sense of the prosperity of the aristocrats who wielded power at the time.
In the 12th century, as the Heian period gave way to the Kamakura period, maki-e raden appeared, in which mother-of-pearl inlay designs were added to the maki-e designs. In combination with maki-e, in which pictures are expressed by “sprinkling” metal or coloured powder, raden developed into a uniquely Japanese art form.
In the Kamakura period (1185-1333), raden was also used to decorate saddles on the backs of horses. At a time when most people travelled by horseback, people competed to be more fashionable by having a more glamorous saddle. Some sword sheaths were also decorated with beautiful mother-of-pearl inlay.
Raden was introduced from China to the Ryukyus in the 15th-6th centuries, and raden products made there were presented to the Tokugawa shoguns in Japan.
During the Edo period, shells began to be dyed and used. The increased variation in the colours of the shells allowed for a wider range of expression in the creation of works of art. In the glamorous Edo culture, even more, various mother-of-pearl inlay pieces came to be created. The techniques handed down from the Edo period have been passed on to modern craftsmen.
There are two main types of shells used in raden: thin shells and thick shells. Thin shells are shaved to a thickness of 0.09-0.2 mm, and then processed by sticking them to surfaces such as lacquer. Thick shells are 0.4 mm to 1 mm thick and are used by embedding them in lacquerware. Thin shells are the material of choice for delicate jewellery.
Patiently attaching small pieces of shells is a daunting task, but the finished product has a mysterious shine that surpasses even coloured stones. It is also worth looking at the beauty created by traditional Japanese craftsmanship, which is not found in Western jewellery.
画像出展 : Brand Jewelry 『日本のジュエラー名鑑』永坂景子の作品より
