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NO.285 いまさら聞けない、これだけは知っておきたいリングのサイズ直しの話

Text=Brand Jewelry

English follows Japanese






1. 素材
よく宝石に使われているプラチナ(Pt950,Pt900,Pt850)、ゴールド(K22,K18,K14,K10) シルバー(SV950,SV900)といった素材なら基本的には大丈夫です。ただしピンクゴールド、ホワイトゴールドは、バーナーで溶接すると色が変わってしまうものもあり、断られてしまう場合もあります。








預けるとなったら、送る前のリングの状態をいろんな角度から写メっておくと安心。サイズ直しが終わった時に、リングが預けた時と同じ状態なのか確認することができます。たとえば、預けた時にあったはずの脇石のメレダイヤが納品時に1粒外れていたとか、中石が欠けて戻ってきたといったトラブルが防げるわけです。サイズ直しをすると石が緩んではずれてしまうこともあります。その時はずれた石をもっていけば 無償で直してもらえるケースが多いです。


I took a ring out of the jewelry box and tried to put it on my finger, but it didn’t fit. I had no choice but to put it on my ring finger instead of the middle finger of my right hand. But I still feel comfortable with the middle finger. …… That’s when I arrived at the ring resizing. But I was disappointed when I took it to the store. They told me that unfortunately, they couldn’t fix it. Have you ever had such an experience?

If you think it is easy to resize a ring, it’s not right. If you want to increase the size, cut the bottom part of the ring that does not affect the design with a thread saw, widen the entire ring, and weld in a metal part made of the same material as the main body. After that, the border between the body and the part is adjusted so that it is not noticeable.

If you want to reduce the size, cut the bottom part of the ring with a thread saw in two places that do not affect the design, remove a part of the ring, and weld the ring together. After welding, we adjust the ring so that the border between the left and right sides of the attached ring is not noticeable. Whenever a ring is resized, there is a process of welding by gas burner fire or laser beam.

Considering the durability of heat and welding on the bending point, there may be cases where the ring cannot be repaired depending on the material and design.

  1. material
    Platinum (Pt950, Pt900, Pt850), gold (K22, K18, K14, K10), and silver (SV950, SV900), which are commonly used for jewelry, are safe. However, some pink gold and white gold may change color when welded with a burner and may be rejected.

Materials used for costume jewelry such as aluminum, nickel, brass, and copper cannot be resized. Titanium, a material gaining attention for its low risk of causing metal allergies, and stainless steel, which is reasonably priced and 100% recyclable, are also generally not resizable.

For platinum and gold jewelry, the stone is covered with special insulation or immersed in water and brazed before welding, and in some cases, the stone is removed from its base. Otherwise, the stone may break or lose its color.

  1. design
    Simple metal-only designs are acceptable, but full eternity rings with gemstones around the entire circumference and Hawaiian rings with designs on the entire surface are not resizable. If the ring has a stone, it cannot be resized if it is covered by metal.
  2. plated jewelry
    Resizing is possible. However, it is common for the plating to peel off in some areas during cutting and welding. Also, the color tends to change in the areas where the plating has peeled off. In some cases, it may be necessary to have the plating reapplied.
  3. Engraving
    Engraving on the inside of the wedding band that marks the date of marriage or the couples’ initials. It may be erased during the processing process. Some stores will erase the engraving in advance and reinsert it after processing. If you purchased the ring at the same store where you bought it, they may be able to re-engrave it in the same typeface.

With the above points in mind, choose a store. First, take it to the store where you bought it. If you do not know the store where you bought it, or if there are circumstances that prevent you from going there, you may consult a store specializing in repair or remodeling. Recently, there are stores where you can ask repairing via the Internet. However, if you are worried about leaving your jewelry with a shop out of the blue, you can ask them to do something simple, such as changing the threads on a pearl necklace, and see how they respond to your request.

Once you have decided on a store, the next step is to have a preliminary meeting. Since you are depositing your precious items to the shop, you should understand points 1 through 4 above before consulting with them.

When entrusting the ring to the shop, take pictures from various angles before sending it to the shop. When the resizing is completed, you can check whether the ring is in the same condition as when you deposited it. For example, you can prevent problems such as one of the side stones (melee diamonds) that were supposed to be there when the ring was delivered, or the inside stone coming back chipped. Resizing a piece of jewelry may cause loss and fall off some jewelry. In many cases, if you bring the dislodged stone to the jewelry shop, it will be repaired free of charge.

画像出展 : 「誕生石&カラーストーンジュエリー」(WORD LABO )エタラージュから


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