(株)スパジオ 代表・一般社団法人日本イタリアンジュエリー協会 理事長 豊田美幸さん
English follows Japanese
Written by WATANABE Ikuko

豊田美幸さん 銀行勤務を経て、1991年名古屋市内でインポートジュエリー・ランブールを創業。2011年日本イタリアンジュエリー協会を設立。栄に構えるサロンで定期的にジュエリーの販売、レクチャーを行う。2020年有限会社ランブールから株式会社スパジオに社名変更。
トップ画像:イギリスのジュエリーブランドJane Lunzer のデザイナーでオーナーのJaneさんと共に。名古屋ヒルトンホテルで主催した販売会でのスナップ。
Have you ever seen Miyuki Toyoda’s Instagram? Every post begins with this easy-to-understand line; “Do you wear jewelry?”. She also dyed her hair from black to blonde.” I want more people to know about jewelry, they need to know my character”.
Unlike selling sundries and clothes to Generation Z, it is hard in today’s Japan to sell non-brand jewelry to adult consumers, if the price is high.
She is a challenger. She has no connection to the jewelry industry. She has been working on herself since leaving her former job; at the bank. Her first step into the jewelry world was an acquaintance who introduced her to a Hong Kong jewelry manufacturer. After five years of importing and selling Hong Kong products without much interest, she met an Italian manufacturer.
For the first time, she found jewelry interesting. Through introductions from the Italian Trade Promotion Agency (now the Trade Promotion Department of the Italian Embassy) and visits to the Italian jewelry trade show, Vicenzaoro, to look for products, she began importing Italian-made jewelry. Furthermore, she started the Japan-Italian Jewelry Association for cultural exchange between Japan and Italy. In 2022, 10 years after its activity, it was registered as a general incorporated association. The association focuses on selling jewelry and disseminating culture at her salon in Nagoya City operated by Spazio.
What is unique about your salon’s services?
-For more than 20 years, we have invited customers twice a month to lecture on various topics, which leads to their coming to jewelry sales events. Sixty percent of those interested in the lectures bought jewelry at a later sales event. The lectures cover Italian jewelry, European history, pearls, diamonds, coral, and recently, investments. She also plans events such as wine parties, afternoon tea, and men’s talk sessions. The Italian jewelry sales event, which is the main source of sales, is held twice a year. Since they are made-to-order, she organizes a small party about a month later to hand jewelry over to customers. She finds importance in increasing opportunities to meet and build good relationships with our customers.
How do you attract customers?
-Our main method is word of mouth. I don’t think that advertising on a large scale will bring results, so we send out 2~3 Instagram messages every day internally without spending any money. It is important to keep distributing and getting people to remember us.
Please tell us about your best-selling products and prices.
-We show many products from Valenza, Italy, so items with diamond-engraved clasps, a specialty of Valenza’s workshop, sell well. Items are necklaces, with core prices in the 300,000-700,000 yen range. Rings do not move as much as before, as more people cannot wear them for work. Many of our long-time salon customers tend to increase both volume and price.
What is your outlook for the future?
-We would like to continue our activities to enrich our customers through jewelry and gemstones. We want to handle not only Italian jewelry but also a variety of other products, and we will offer a wide range of lectures accordingly. As president of the Japan-Italian Jewelry Association, I would also like to conduct seminars on jewelry at other places.
