NO.284 3月の誕生石は最古のヒーリングストーン、聖なるブラッドストーン
Text=Brand Jewelry
English follows Japanese
ブラッドストーンが2021年12月に行われた誕生石の改訂で、3月の新しい誕生石として定められました。ジャスパーという石の一種で、深いブルーやグリーンを地色に血が飛び散った跡のような赤や褐色の斑点模様があるのが特徴。和名は、英語のブラッドストーン(Blood Stone)から「血石(ちせき)」と呼ばれています。血のような斑点は酸化鉄によるもので、酸化鉄には止血効果があることから、古くから血液の働きを助け、傷や病気を治してくれると信じられていました。
Bloodstone was established as the new birthstone for March in December 2021 birthstone revision in Japan. It is a type of stone called jasper, characterized by deep blue or green ground color with red or brown speckled patterns that look like splattered blood. The Japanese name “chiseki” is derived from the English term “bloodstone,” meaning “bloodstone. The blood-like spots are caused by iron oxide, and since iron oxide has a hemostatic effect, it has long been believed to help blood circulation and heal wounds and illnesses.
For example, it has been used as a sacred stone to purify the blood since the Mesopotamian civilization in 3000 B.C. and was also valued as a talisman in ancient Babylonia around 2000 B.C. In the Middle Ages, knights wore powdered bloodstone on their bodies as a talisman to keep them alive and uninjured on the battlefield.
The most famous story is that when Jesus Christ was crucified, the blood he shed splashed onto the jasper at his feet, giving birth to a bloodstone. Therefore, bloodstone has been treasured as a sacred stone and used in sculptures and cameos, especially in Europe.
Bloodstone is also known as heliotrope. It was produced in the ancient Egyptian city of Heliopolis (the city of the sun), where the belief in the sun flourished, hence the Greek word “helio (sun) trope” meaning “to bring back or go toward the sun.
By the way, heliotrope also exists in plants with the same name. The purple flower has a habit of turning toward the sun, and there used to be a whispered story that if you cast a spell using this plant and bloodstone, it would disappear.
Bloodstone, with its various anecdotes and impactful appearance, is also available in the following types.
1)Dragon bloodstone
Dragon bloodstone has red and brown spots and lines on a green background, like the scales of a dragon. This is a rare stone produced only in Australia. It is also called dragon blood jasper. Like the dragon, it is said to protect and enhance the life force of its owner with its strong protective power. If you wear it in honor of the Chinese zodiac sign for 2024, the dragon, it may give you even more power!
2)Fancy bloodstone
Fancy Bloodstone is a type of bloodstone with various colors, such as red or yellow for the base color and white or orange for the spots. It is also called fancy blood jasper. Used as a gemstone, bloodstone is usually cut as cabochons, but high-quality pieces may be faceted.
Known as the oldest healing stone, bloodstone is now popular with athletes and others who crave to be strong. In India, high-end bloodstone is sometimes powdered and used as an aphrodisiac.
Bloodstone is produced in India, Australia, parts of Brazil, China, the United States, Russia, Scotland, and many other regions, and is easy to obtain.
画像出展 : 「誕生石&カラーストーンジュエリー」(WORD LABO )エタラージュから
